17 Creative Ways to Make Beautiful Easter Eggs (Other than a Dye Kit)

This year the kids and I have decided to try some unusual, creative ideas for making our Easter eggs.  We’ve been dying Easter eggs with the standard dye kit every year since they were babies and we all felt it would be a nice change to switch things up a little.  Below is a round up of the best ideas we have found from around the interwebs for creative Easter eggs you can make with (or without) the kids.

 Melted Crayon Eggs

Crafty melted crayon eggs from Lessons Learnt Journal

Learn how to make these beautiful, artistic melted crayon eggs at Lesssons Learnt Journal.  The best part?? No hairydryer required!!

Tie-Dye Easter Eggs

DIY Tie-Dye Easter Eggs

All you need is regular food coloring and white vinegar to make these super groovy tie-dye eggs at Spoonful.

Ombre Easter Eggs

ombre easter eggs

Make these lovely and trendy ombre Easter eggs in blue (or any other shade of food coloring you have on hand) with the instructions at Country Living.

Glow Easter Eggs

glow eggs

How much would your kids love these glow in the dark Easter eggs?  At Growing a Jeweled Rose, learn to make theseawesome glow eggs with glow-in-the-dark paint and vinegar.

Marbled Easter Eggs

marbled easter eggs

These beautiful marbled Easter eggs are made with acrylic paint, but are easy enough for kids to make.  Grab your acrylic paint and some wooden craft eggs and head on over to The Kundin Family blog to make these classy, colorful eggs that will last for years.

 Kool-Aid Easter Eggs

koolaid easter eggs

Instead of the regular dye kits, try using Kool-Aid to dye your eggs.  Not only are there lots of fun colors, but your dye pots will smell great too!  Get the instructions here at Totally The Bomb.

Gem Easter Eggs

gem eggs 23 ideas

Make these adorable bling eggs with adhesive gems, and find 22 other dye-free egg ideas here at Parents Magazine.

Angry Birds Easter Eggs


If you have some artistic talent and some acrylic paint, why not make some of these adorable Angry Birds Easter eggs?  There are no instructions, but you can use this original photo on younggirl44’s Flickr photostream for inspiration.

Hot Glue Easter Eggs

hot glue easter egg

Make dyed eggs more original by adding designs with hot glue before you dye them with squiggles, designs, initials… the possibilities are endless!  Get the instructions here at Creative Connections for Kids.

Gold Bullion Easter Eggs

fine gold easter egg

No need to find a golden-egg-laying goose this Easter—now you can make your own golden Easter eggs!  Make sure to pick up some puff paint and gold metallic spray paint, then head over to GoMakeMe for instructions.

Feathered Friends Easter Eggs


Upcycle an egg carton with a little paint and craft feathers to turn ordinary Easter eggs into super cute feathered friend Easter eggs!  The original website for this picture is no longer available, but the picture can still be used for inspiration.

Easter Egg CRAFTS

chick in a bathtub

Wow!!! This little chick in a bathtub is SO CUTE I can hardly stand to look at it! You have to check out Chez Larsson’s website to see all the other absolutely adorable creations made with eggshells, a Dremel tool and various craft supplies (the sailor chick is equally adorable!).   Even if you don’t have a Dremel (I don’t), these Easter egg chicks are totally worth a try using plastic eggs.


watercolor eggs

These watercolor Easter eggs are one of the loveliest and most artistic egg designs I ever seen! Artist Susan B gives directions to make all three egg designs shown above with watercolor paints. Please note that watercolor eggs are not edible, so this idea would be perfect for blown egg shells.  Get the instructions to make your own lovely watercolor Easter eggs at OhMy!Creative.


WALK in love eggs

These cute inspirational Easter eggs would be great for an Easter egg party at home or at church.  After dying the eggs, they are decorated with your choice of words or designs with Sharpie markers (the regular and/or paint kind).  Get the full instructions here at Walk in Love.


nail polish easter eggs

Have some old nail  polish you need to use up? Why not use it to make some super colorful eggs?  Check out the Decorators Notebook to get the complete directions.


GOOGLy eye eggs

Look at these cute little guys!  The instructions at Living At Home are written in German, but these guys are pretty basic–glue on some eyes and use a marker to draw on a mouth.  Additional colors or features are up to you–there are tons of possibilities.  See the original post in German here.

papier-mache EASTER EGGS


These papier-mache eggs are not only beautiful, they are totally fun for kids to make!  You can use craft eggs, plastic eggs or buy papier-mache (as the author does).   Add in a variety of tissue paper or colorful news paper and some Mod Podge, and your kids will have hours of fun making bright, beautiful eggs.  Get the instructions at Fireflies & Mud Pies.

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